New Authors!

We are so excited to announce that Kim Smuga-Otto and Eura Abrams have joined the Riverfolk team!

Kim Smuga-Otto

Life takes strange turns. Trained as a scientist and journalist, Kim Smuga-Otto somehow ended up writing a story about a boy band who saves fantasyland. In addition to being the author of the Boy Bands & Dragons series, she writes short science fiction and fantasy and co-hosts a writing advice podcast, Words to Write by. She lives with her husband and two children in Santa Cruz, California.

Our Comeback Tour is Slaying Monsters will be released on the 25th of October, and it is the first book in the Boy Bands and Dragons series!

Pre-order it now!


Eura “Euphridia” Abrams

A self-proclaimed adult who loves delving into fantasy worlds and writing about the characters she meets along the way. Her books, like The Last Rae of Hope: A Reluctant Return, blend fantasy, comedy, and satire, often turning familiar tropes upside down. Eura enjoys crafting stories where fate and free will collide, leaving readers questioning everything. When she’s not writing, she’s either daydreaming or pretending to be responsible—sometimes both.

Eura is currently in the early stages of publishing the first book in the series, The Last Rae of Hope. More updates will be coming soon, so if you don’t want to miss out, make sure to sign up for our newsletter!


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