Riverfolk Publishing

Riverfolk Publishing

Riverfolk Publishing is an independent publishing house that offers a full service to our authors. That includes editing, cover art, publishing, marketing and so much more!

We’re passionate about great stories and take pride in bringing them to you so have a look through our books, we know you’ll be able to find something you love!

What we specialize in

We’re more than just a progression or litRPG based publishing house, we’re interested in stories. Books that suck us into the action and make us care about the characters are exactly what we want to read and publish!

This means we provide a section of the highest quality novels, covering a range of genres from Post-Apocalyptic, Epic Fantasy and Cyber Punk to Slice of Life, Young Adult and maybe even some Romance.

We’re passionate about publishing only the very best stories to delight new and veteran readers and we hope you’ll enjoy what we produce just as much as we do.

Meet the team!

We’re a little shy (and haven’t gotten around to taking photos just yet) so please excuse the images we’re using! We feel they best sum up who we are.

JP Weaver

Author of Badger Company, Tales of the Riverfolk (who our publishing company was named after) and about a million other works in progress, Weaver oversees everything that happens at the publishing house!

Constantly cracking dad jokes (prepare yourself for these, they’re bad) and claiming to be an otter hivemind (this might be true), this disabled veteran is a fantastic advocate for his authors.


Editor and Proofreader Extraordinary, Maxine is an enigma. She showed up to one of Weaver’s D&D games and never left, which is great because we don’t want her to!

Author, retro game enthusiast and published materials engineering graduate, Maxine is an all around gem!

Alexa Lee

Author, Operations Manager, Weaver Wrangler, what hasn’t this woman done?! Alexa is the first point of contact for most authors joining Riverfolk Publishing but don’t worry, she’s not as timid as the mouse picture implies!

She does a little bit of everything but mostly just makes sure that everything is running smoothly.